My life. It's crazy, but simple. it's stressful, but calm. Sometime's I feel like I have a lot going on, and other times I feel like I need to fill it with more. As this year comes to a close I am feeling grateful for this life that I have. I am aware more than ever that it can be gone in an instant and it's so easy to let the days go by and not realize how precious they are. While 2013 was special due to the fact that we welcomed our little was hard. I felt that I was really tested in ways I had never experienced before. Relationships were made stronger and some were unfortunately put to the side. Now that we have a baby I feel like I only want to invest my time (which is precious) with people who love me, support me, and are there for me unconditionally. The time for judgmental and selfish relationships has passed. Because truthfully...ain't nobody got time for that! As nick and I clear out the negative and welcome in the positive, I am so optimistic about this next year. I am super excited to see my baby boy grow and invest some serious time into my marriage. New apartment, new furniture, new outlook. The Bushong family is getting an overhaul! Here is a photo bomb for your viewing pleasure :) xo
These two boys have my full attention this year. |
Hiking in the lovely Ashland, OR |
Ponderosa Pine. Looks like a puzzle! |
Ooooo nothing to worry about, it's just a bear cave! |
Holiday indulgences are in full swing. |
Silas witnessing his first snowfall. |
This boy...he has my heart. |
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