Happy frickin' New Year! I feel a little bit of a cliche phrase coming on...such as, "I can't believe it's 2014!". For real though, I can't. 2013 was a little blah. Now don't get me wrong, the high's were spectacular. My baby was born (amazing-ness) and I was alive (also pretty cool). But, my hubs and I were faced with some choppy waters when it came to relationships. We are still navigating those, but it looks like 2014 has us going big. I'm feeling a little anxious though, like maybe I have something to prove. Whether it's to myself or other's I want this year to count. I'm working on soaking up the moment's of my baby being this small and enjoying my husbands quirkiness rather than asking him to "stop doing that". Being present in the moment and not so much looking ahead.
New Years Eve morning snuggle time for the WIN. |
Best part of my year? Bringing this babe into the world. |
I can't believe I made this little human. He is the best.
Nick and I no longer venture out for New Years. This decision was made after our first year together when I exclaimed that I had "Never had a New Years that I enjoyed" and Nick replied to that with "Well I'm going to make this one awesome for you!" and then he abandoned me on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood with no money or I.D. So yeah, we now stay in and spend a ridiculous amount of money on yummy food. We usually accompany this with some champs (slang for champagne, FYI) and lots of kisses. Last night was no different, although there was no Champagne (water for the win), we cooked up some steak, watched some TV and then managed to be in bed right at midnight. |
Everyone should have a clean start for the New Year. |
My resolutions are pretty simple this year. They sort of encompass my whole-being if you catch my drift. I've got a couple that apply to motherhood, some for my marriage, and then a few for myself. Cheers to the New Year and new beginnings. XO
Love this man. P.S- Silas is in the lower right corner nursing. #multitasking. |
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