I am guilty. Guilty of buying the majority of my things from big corporate businesses that probably pay $1/hr to people to sew the cute jeans I just had to have. Everyone is. "Made in America" is hard to come by in the clothing industry and when it is...it's $$$. Unfortunate, but true. I am trying to be more conscious of the clothing I put my child in. Does that mean I've boycotted baby gap, target and the like? No. I have developed a taste for things from smaller businesses, though. The majority of these businesses I have come to find through instagram and fellow bloggers. Can they be a little more expensive than the stores at the mall, sure. But, I am supporting a small business owner with my purchase and it makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I am doing something right in this corporate laden retail country we live in.
American Apparel is an easy one to start with. Their stores can be found pretty much everywhere. I love that everything is a nice cotton and looks exactly like the adult items! They are based out of L.A, treat their employees well and are pretty affordable. |
These are a splurge. I won a contest through instagram and was lucky enough to snag quite a few pairs of these adorable moccasins. They have become my absolute favorite thing that Silas wears. Freshly Picked Moccasins is based out of Utah and was started by a stay at home mama! |
Baby leggings are the most comfortable and easy thing to put a little babe in. I love that so many etsy shops have popped up offering them in fun prints. These are my go-to item with Silas. Sweet Luka Mo (left and right) and Little Hip Squeaks (middle) are definitely some of my favorites that I support. (Based out of Philly and Brooklyn) |
Etsy is a great place to start if you are looking to buy from a small business owner. So many cute and fun things not only for yourself, but for your babe's to wear can be found here. I can't tell you enough how happy I am to have started incorporating things that are "Made in America" into my little mans closet. Being conscious of where your dollar is going is a good habit to start! Happy shopping...'Merica! xo
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