I'm not sure if you could call me a "dreamer"...but I definitely fantasize (eeks, I don't like that word for some reason, but we are going with it) about all of the other places out there and how I can live it all. Now, this seems like it's not going anywhere so just bear with me. I love Portland. I do. I have left and come back to this rainy, lovely city, where the young go to retire (haha!) twice now. This last time we came back I didn't get the same feeling as I did the first though. It's like I kept waiting for this jovial and ecstatic feeling to overcome me and it never showed up. Instead it just made me feel a little "blah". I'm not sure if it was the fact that I was 7 months pregnant or what, but I got here, unpacked, and then thought to myself how it really didn't feel how I wanted it too. I still have that feeling. Now, don't get me wrong...I really disliked living in Boise. Landlocked. Red state (sorry kids, I'm a pretty liberal gal). None of it was for me. But, while we lived in Boise my relationship with my hubby had never been better. I'm kind of craving that no bullshit, less stressed life again. I mean, who doesn't want that? Anyways, what I am trying to say in this rambling of a post is that I am wanting something else. I haven't exactly decided if it's a "something" or a "somewhere" that I'm currently grasping for, but I definitely am feeling that I need to get some clarity on this little situation going on in my head/heart. I keep asking myself if it's just that I am trying to escape the bullshit that we have encountered since being back (I mean, it truly is never ending people). I feel a little out of sorts about being in this city at the moment.
*P.S Thank you for the kind words about my last post, it means a lot that people actually even read it. Definitely enjoying this blogging adventure I am on.
*I can't really think of pictures to attach to this post that correlate, but every post deserves some pictures! Am I right?! So yeah, here are some randoms. Enjoy :)
We obviously have no shame.
Fake it till you make it (that "smile"). He's cute. |
Mama. Bebe. |
This has no filter (for once!). It was accompanied by a text from my hubby that said "Saw this sunset. Thought of you." |
Can't leave you without a food pic :) I am currently obsessed with curried potatoes for breakfast. so.so.good. |
You have an adorable little family! & that looks pretty tasty I must say!