My poor, little vitamix. Now, we do not own one of those fancy ones that heat stuff and make ice cream or whatever. Ours is old. Old and yet, still very much a coveted item in my kitchen. People get a little jelly when you tell them you have one! I feel cool. Sorta. Anyways, this vitamix has been put through the ringer. I made sunflower seed butter in that old thing. And it took forever and I will never do that again. It sort of made some weird noises and I could tell it wasn't happy with me so I put her in the corner and there she sat for what I believe was a much needed rest. Moving on. I have been lacking in the juice/smoothie making department as of late. Why? Because I'm lazy. "It's so easy though!", you say. I know. But I am lazy, like I said. This past week though I had an epiphany. It went a little something like, "Stop eating bread for breakfast or you'll gain __lbs during this pregnancy like the last." Hit me hard. So I decided some yummy juices and smoothies would be a better choice than say, sourdough with a bunch of avocado spread on it and siracha delicately displayed on top. Here's what I've been making...

My rule: Keep it simple. It's tempting to throw about 100 things into a smoothie. I choose to not do that. Sometimes I add omega-3 + DHA oil into them, especially if Silas is going to have some. I no longer use maca since becoming pregnant, but I miss it's energy boosting effects and I recommend it for sure!
1) Kale. Chard. Lemon. Blueberries. Banana. Maca. Filtered H2O.
2) Kale. Lemon. Strawberries. Ginger. Coconut H2O.
3) Watermelon. Grapefruit. Ginger. Carrots.
Happy Juicing! xo
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