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I was about 34 weeks pregnant here! Photo by the oh, so lovely Christy Cassano-Meyer.
Pregnancy...oh man. I know, it's a blessing to be able to be pregnant and I love this little nugget to death already, but my god it makes me want to sit on the couch and nap until week 40 rolls around. Especially now that I am running around after a 15 month old, my energy is on empty which makes it really hard to find the energy to get a good workout in. When I was pregnant with Silas, I gained an enormous amount of weight. It was winter, I was in a city with no friends, the list of excuses goes on. Everyone tells me that they didn't see it, but the scale does not lie people. It made for an extremely uncomfortable 3rd trimester and even though I lost all of the weight + some (due to breastfeeding) the outside just does not look the same. My midwife "diagnosed" (<---that seems like a rather intense word to use for this) me with diastasis recti. My muscles never healed on my abdomen from being stretched. This is fairly common, but tends to get worse with subsequent pregnancies. My goal this time around is to keep the weight gain at a healthy number in order to lessen the chance that I make the diastasis worse. After baby boosh #2 comes I'll head to a physical therapist to help me heal and lessen the gap in between my muscles. I've also been looking a lot into belly binding. Interesting enough, our culture is one of the very few that does not bind postpartum. Binding the belly after pregnancy really helps heal your muscles, organs, and bones after months of stretching. I can't wait to try it! In the mean time, I've decided to challenge myself to yoga 3 days a week. I am determined to get stronger this pregnancy and there is no time like the present. I've taken up a gig at a new spot downtown cleaning 2 nights a week in exchange for all the free yoga my heart desires. Not a bad trade. Namaste!
More about diastasis recti here
Yoga studio here
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