29 April 2014

Summer style for the bebe

We are gearing up for some hot weather here in Portland this week. I remember last year when Silas was born and we had something similar happen. It was so rough being stuck inside in a non-air conditioned apartment with a newborn while it was sweltering outside! This time around I have a toddler who is walking and needs to have outside time...guess the situation is the same. Anyways, has anyone ever mentioned how amazingly fun it is to dress your child? It's ridiculous how much joy I get out of it. I know, they will grow out of everything...but I do it anyways. I buy a lot of Silas's clothes slightly bigger and I swear they seem to span a pretty significant amount of time as far as baby clothes go. He has shirts from around 5 months that we are still getting use out of. Here are a few items that are definitely going to be in heavy rotation this summer:

I absolutely love shopping at H&M for Silas. It's super affordable and their jeans/shorts have an adjustable band which means we will be able to keep them around for a lot longer. And of course, we can't forget about the beloved Freshly Picked moccs. These are my favorite shoe for a bebe that has just learned to walk. Not bulky, soft soled, and they just look so damn cute.

Target and American Apparel. The t's on the left are $5 from Target and I absolutely love them. Super soft and inexpensive. The tanks on the right are from my favorite store American Apparel. Not only are they inexpensive ($10, and I got buy 2 get one free!), but they are made in LA and that just makes me feel good. I really like supporting brands that produce here in the US.

Yay for summertime weather :) XO

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