Silas Ryder Bushong. 6 months.
Weight: 19 lbs 3.02 oz
Length: 27in
can't believe my eyes. this little chunky monk is 6 months (and 10 days!) old. time is flying and it's so cheesy to say, but i wish it would slow its roll for a minute. I can't believe how big he is getting. just this morning when we woke up he rolled over onto his belly and got into the crawling position. I was like WHOAH dude, chill out! I want you to stay my teeny little babe for awhile longer. Unfortunately, this child has his mind set on growing up. total sad face over here.
We have yet to really start on solids. I feel like he's just way too young to be getting meals of solid food yet. Instead we are doing a bit of baby led weaning and giving him large chunks of things that he can naw on and practice holding. Apples and pears have been really easy to do this with. He doesn't have teeth yet so he's unable to actually bite into anything, but we still make sure to sit with him and watch him closely!
This picture from my Instagram makes my heart melt.
sleeping has been hit or miss with this kid. I'm kind of letting him do his own thing with naps during the day, which is what i find works best for us. when he's tired i can tell immediately and he will go down in a second. for us that works better than trying to get him down at a specific time and spending an hr. with him fighting it. bedtime is always between 6-7:30pm. the thing we are having a problem with is his constant nursing at night. I have pretty much been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months (no bottles). we co-sleep as well so it's not too bad on me since i can nurse while lying down, but i've had a few nights where i swear that kid is latched onto me for hours. i can see it starting to get better and i definitely prefer the co-sleeping no bottle deal to waking up and picking him up out of his crib to nurse. Bottles are a pain in the ass to clean and i'd rather not have to pump.
so there yah have it. that's about all i've got on this cute little dude! he really is the best. so funny and lovey. I really couldn't be more blessed to be his momma. Love you Silas! xo
ps. sorry the pictures are all over the place as far as what i used to shoot them. some were on our cannon and some were off instagram/phone. I'll do better next time ;)