The Sleep Bandit (and his double chin). |
First off, I hope you got my cheesy title for this post...and if you don't well...you win some, you lose some. Second off, I can't for the life of me remember what a full night's sleep feels like. Seriously. Going on 9 months now and we have yet to get a full night of Silas sleeping like a little angel baby. I'm a part of this facebook group and I laughed when a mama posted about how her 3 month old "just randomly decided not to sleep for 4 nights in a row, what could be wrong?!". Listen, lady. I'm going on day 270. So, here Nick and I are...craving some ZzZZz's and we literally have no idea what to do. I feel like we keep convincing ourselves that it will, no...more like
has to happen at some point. And then sometimes I think to myself "Did I fail somewhere?", because to be completely honest I was a total asshole exclaiming to the world that I was going to have a 3 month old who slept through the night.
Yes, Silas. This is how I feel after a sleepless night too. (Actually, he was pretty sad when is Papa left for work this day. Poor little bebe sat by the entryway like this after he closed the door!) |
In the midst of a rather irritating and sleepless day I started looking up sleep training BS. In there somewhere it kept mentioning how I was supposed to be responsible for "teaching" my child how to properly sleep. So, of course I felt like I really screwed it up. That's how this parenting gig works though. There are a million ways to do things and it's straight up overwhelming at times. The guilt of "Am I doing this right?" is all consuming. I nurse Silas to sleep every night and I nurse him back to sleep the 10 times he wakes up during the night. We co-sleep. To 1/2 of the parenting population I am doing it wrong. To the other 1/2 I am doing it right. It's hard. At this point we aren't really going to change much. I don't want him to cry it out and I don't see how me spending 2 hours with him doing that, rather than 15 minutes letting him nurse is going to help me get any more sleep. I mean, what can we do at this point? The kid is almost 9 months. I'm not going to stop nursing anytime soon and we enjoy snuggling him and co-sleeping. I guess we've made our sleepless bed and now we have to lie in it. With that said, I'm going to go drink a glass of vino and sit on pinterest because that's what mama's who don't sleep do ;) Cheers! xo

Same here. Although our Silas is only 5 months, we are not sleeping through the night either. My husband keeps saying he is the worst sleeper ever, and that all other babies this age are sleeping through the night. I keep telling him that is not the case after reading stuff from other moms :) and we are not doing anything wrong--- although frustrating, I have to keep telling myself the extra nursing/snuggles is nothing but good stuff for him, and before we know it, we might (MIGHT) just start to miss these moments....