28 October 2013

Are you there followers? It's me, Kelsey.

So here I am. Blogging. Feeling like I'm important enough that I'll wake up tomorrow and have 100,000 followers along with another 1,000 following me on instagram. Joking. I'm pretty sure that is not how this works and I'm definitely not in this for the ego boost (or am I?!). I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time. Primarily because I cook A LOT and I felt like I was bombarding innocent people with my constant stream of food pics on facebook and the like. Then I had a baby. Things spiraled downhill from there with my incessant posting of baby pictures (and before that, the ever so lovely baby bump). So I guess this is a blessing to all those who are annoyed by my constant "MY BABY IS SO CUTE" and "CHECK OUT THIS AWESOME STIR FRY I MADE" posts on the book and instagram, but for those who don't cringe at everything I put on facebook I hope that you'll wander on over and find some inspiration for dinner, check on my growing little bebe, and maybe even gain some insight into my little ol' life. So there it is. My first post. Cheers!

ps. This picture has nothing to do with this post, but it's hilarious and I love it.

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