12 February 2014

Silas update

Wow. My baby is not a baby anymore. I mean, he is...but he is growing fast. The last 3 1/2 months this child has had a huge growth spurt. Our pediatrician was pretty blown away by how much height he has gained. And while he looks chubby, he definitely did not put on much weight, which is to be expected now that he is crawling and standing all over the place. We are still breastfeeding (yay!) and have recently integrated solids into our daily routine. As I've mentioned here, we have gone the baby led weaning route. His favorites are raspberries, avocado, and green beans. He is "talking" so much these days and it's amazing to see that he can comprehend what you are saying. When I say his name, ask him to come over to me, put my arms out to pick him up, tell him no (which makes him laugh)...he really is starting to understand. I can't believe in just a few short months he is going to be a year old. It really is going by. I am loving this stage of his development though, he is so curious and so cuddly. He loves his mama and papa so much and we are just in awe of the bond the three of us have right now. We are still co-sleeping and at the moment thinking of transitioning him to his crib and possibly night weaning. Jury is still out on that one. Next week Silas is going on his first plane ride and we are both very nervous and excited! Looking forward to the next few months and all they have to offer :) xo

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