Furbaby snuggles + nursing = multitasking. |
As most of the people in my life know, I am a huge breastfeeding advocate. So it's no surprise to most that I have decided to still breastfeed Silas during this pregnancy. Last week, if you asked me how it was going I would have immediately replied with "horrible". Because it was. The pain. Wow. I hadn't felt that since the first few days after Silas was born. Now, he definitely doesn't need my breast milk for nutrition, but he does need it for comfort. And who am I to say no to that? We have slowly started the process of weaning, although I doubt that will happen any time soon. I really want it to be on his own terms, but I am trying to encourage it just a bit. So, we are just going with the flow. Some days he feeds a lot and some days he barely does. We consistently nurse for naps and bed times and if I had it my way that would be the only time. I have chosen to let him lead the way though. I listen to him and what he needs from me and if he needs a boob that barely produces any milk at the moment, then that is what he gets. The last week I have seen my milk production increase slightly which was a huge sigh of relief because nothing feels worse than a child nursing on a breast that has nothing coming out. I'm sad that the end is possibly near of our nursing relationship, but I'm also open to continuing it as long as he needs to (hellllllo tandem nursing!).
I did the same thing and my son weaned at almost 21 months, when I was 3 months pregnant. We were down to comfort and sleep time nursing too.