This was taken on a rather awful day. A small break in the storm. |
Always being naughty. And laughing about it. I guess my taking a picture of it doesn't exactly say, "Stop doing that!". |
I very much look forward to nap time. But, sometime's I miss him when he's asleep. And nothing is better than when he wakes up smiling and wanting some snuggles. |
Whenever people ask me how I'm doing lately, I simply respond with, "i'm surviving". That's where I'm at. This pregnancy is dragging its feet. I mean, they pushed my due date up (back? I don't know...) 2 whole frickin' weeks so I pretty much feel as though the first trimester is a never ending black hole. And then there is my darling little 14 month old. Silas has been jumping in between horrific and the sweetest boy you'll ever meet. It's dizzying. We have started time out with the hopes that he will really understand what we mean when we say "No". Because at the moment, he laughs. And then it makes me laugh. And then my chance to parent him is shot and I feel like a bad mama. I can only imagine how much crazier life is going to get in the next few months so I'm trying to get a grip and go with the flow. Not let every little thing bother me and trying to not give in to the exhaustion. Although, this pregnancy is just a total 180 from Silas. The morning sickness has been minimal and the headaches have been few and far between. Very grateful for that because that is what I was most worried about. I still can't wait to get a move on with it though. I want to feel some kicks and flips and actually look pregnant instead of the +5lb chub that is currently residing on my midsection so nicely. Anyways, Happy Humpday. Go get em'. xo
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