29 September 2014

Baby Boosh // 23 weeks

How far along: 23 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 14 lbs
Maternity clothes: Lots of stretchy tops and leggings.
Stretch marks: old ones are getting darker.
Sleep: melatonin has been helping
Best moment this week: going through Silas's old clothes. So tiny!
Movement: He loves to squirm and kick when I'm lying down.
Food cravings: feeling the need for sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy
Belly button in or out: out
Wedding rings on or off: on
Mood of the week: excited!
Looking forward to: My consultation withthe home birth midwives.

20 September 2014

Baby boosh // 22 weeks

22weeks & 2 days. His name is Felix Ames (pronounced AIMS or for all my furniture nerds out there...EAMES) Bushong. He likes to karate chop my bladder and sleep on my stomach. He seems like a pretty chill dude ;)

Wow. This is starting to fly by! The nesting instinct has started to kick in, which is really hard to deal with when you have a 17month old running around. I've been continuing yoga and seriously, I feel so much better this pregnancy being active. It's really become one of my favorite days of the week; when I get to go to class. I'm hoping it leads to a really smooth labor! 

So, home birth. We have decided it's a go! I am nervous, but also kind of relieved to not have to figure out what to do with Silas while we go to the hospital. Leaving him was giving me anxiety because I know how much he loves his mama and papa. He just has a hard time being away from us...and if it happened at night and he woke up to us not being there I would feel awful. My midwife Lara was so excited for me when I brought up the idea of giving birth at home. She assured me I was an ideal candidate for it and shared her own experience. I will happily go to sleep in my bed over a hospital bed this time :)

I can't wait to do a little tour of the boys room once I get it all together. We are in the middle of moving things around in our apartment and it's so crazy. Only 18+/- weeks to go!

How far along: 22weeks + 2 days
Total weight gain: 14 lbs
Maternity clothes: I am thinking of doing a personal challenge...how long can I go using a hair-tie to keep my pants closed.
Stretch marks: old ones are getting darker.
Sleep: I don't know what that is...
Best moment this week: deciding on our little boys name :)
Movement: He loves to do a little shake and then settles into a position. 
Food cravings: nothing. He's taken to pressing on my stomach which makes me feel full a lot. Not cool...
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope. Some random waves of nausea sometimes.
Gender: Boy
Belly button in or out: out
Wedding rings on or off: on
Mood of the week: tired. Always.
Looking forward to: meeting our midwives and talking about our home birth!

12 September 2014

Baby Boosh // 21 weeks

As my midwife said, "Wow, you officially have popped." Feeling large! And that could be due to the fact that I gained quite a few pounds over the last 5 weeks. My bad! At my appointment this week I brought up the possibility of having a home birth and my midwife could not have been more excited. One of the reasons I totally love her! She was super positive about it (she has had one herself) and told me she 100% recommends it. Soooooo we are in the process of discussing it and possibly moving in that direction. I think the only thing holding me back is not wanting to leave the group of midwives that we are currently with.

How far along: 21 weeks
Total weight gain: 13lbs (ahhhhhhhhhhhh)
Maternity clothes: The hair-tie trick seems to be taking me pretty far so I'll stick with it.
Stretch marks: Nothing new as far as I can see.
Sleep: I feel like I can see the light at the end of the "we haven't slept in 17 months" tunnel. Silas is still sleeping in our room but on his own cozy floor bed and it seems to be helping us.
Best moment this week: Taking out the box of stored away baby clothes and drooling over how adorable and small they are.
Movement: He's an active little guy for sure.
Food cravings: Sweets. So weird...
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, thank god.
Gender: Boy!
Belly Button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks all the time lately. Mostly at the end of the day or if I am taking Silas for a walk.
Mood of the week: Excited! I can't wait to start putting the boys room together and re-doing ours.
Looking forward to: finalizing our decision on whether or not we want to have a home birth!

05 September 2014

Baby Boosh // 20 weeks

Its a boy! Our ultrasound was this week and it couldn't have gone better. This babe has a "text book perfection" umbilical cord and is as healthy as can be. He was quite stubborn and seemed to find a comfy position and not want to budge so it took until the end of my appointment to be able to see the sex. I can't believe I'm going to be the mama to two sweet boys! I am so excited to meet him, he was pretty damn cute ;)

How far along: 20 weeks
Total weight gain: 5+lbs (not exact, definitely more than 5lbs)
Maternity clothes: I think it's time to cave in...
Stretch marks: Nothing new as far as I can see.
Sleep: I've had an awful cold all week so I've been really congested which isn't so great for sleeping...
Best moment this week: seeing our sweet little baby and hearing that everything looks absolutely perfectly healthy!
Movement: all the time!
Food cravings: nothing! My mouth is so sensitive right now (damn hormones) and it's just not really fun to eat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, thank god.
Gender: baby #2 is a boy :)
Belly Button in or out: It's out!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks every now and then.
Mood of the week: happy and relieved that we have a very healthy baby.
Looking forward to: organizing the boys room and of course...buying this little babe some cute clothes!

01 September 2014

Weekend recap

Cutest little boy that I ever did see :)
Happy Labor Day! Not like it really means much in the world of a SAHM (why don't I get the day off?!), but nonetheless a day where my husband doesn't have to go into the office (even though he just left to go in for a few hours) is a day that I can seriously get down on. This weekend was relaxing and not filled with anything crazy. Lots of walks, a lunch outing, and Nick and Silas wrestling which apparently is what I need to do for 3 hours in the morning in order for him to pass out in 5 minutes at nap time. Baby #2 is moving around like crazy and I am losing my mind over wondering what the sex is. I can't stop thinking about seeing this little nugget on Wednesday. Thinking a little gender reveal deali-o should go down...;)