13 November 2013

Juice junkie

If you follow me on instagram then you know that I am pretty obsessed with my vitamix and all the goodness it produces. I enjoy eating clean and healthy. Don't get me wrong, I indulge quite often, but one of my favorite ways to get all of my veggies and fruits is through smoothies or juices. You can pack a ton of "stuff" into one glass and I find that appealing. Since becoming a momma I find that I hardly ever have the time to sit down and eat a full meal, so throwing all of my veggies and fruit into a blender allows me to get in all of the nutrients I need in a way that I can actually manage to consume (all while carrying a screaming 6month old). Here are a couple of my favorite recipes for smoothies:

KALE KALE KALE. I love Kale. So many nutrients packed into this green gem. I throw it in all of my smoothies. My go-to recipe is: 5 stalks of kale (I use lacinato kale, it's a super dark green and tender), 1/2 of a frozen banana, handful of frozen strawberries, a small piece of ginger, coconut water. Blend until smooth.

Hemp seeds are my all time favorite to smoothie "topping". They are chewy and earthy and are filled with protein and lots of other goodness. I also love the texture they give my smoothies. Here is a recipe for all you non-kale people. Handful of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, 1/2 frozen banana, splash of organic orange juice, coconut water.  Blend until smooth and then put 2tablespoons of hemp seeds on top.

My new favorite addiction are these fresh juices from Portland Juice Press. They are delicious and SO healthy. They have a stand down the street from me so it makes it super easy to grab some on the go. They also deliver and offer 3 or 6 day juice cleanses! I love that they have seasonal juices as well.

To get the most out of your juicing journey I highly suggest investing in a good blender or juicer. i definitely prefer a blender (I have a vitamix) over a juicer because you keep in more nutrients, but it also works to get a slow juicer which tends to retain more of the good stuff. Blenders and juicers are definitely pretty pricey, but you can find them used or ask stores for older models which they'll usually have marked down for a deal. It's definitely an investment, but a lot of them have great warranties and I swear you will use it for everything. Some other things I use my vitamix for:

Homemade vanilla almond milk
dressings (caesar!)
soups (tomato, potato-leek, butternut squash)

Juicers/ Blenders that I love
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 

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