Soooo I'm literally getting rid of everything. And I mean everrryythaanng. Couches, TV's, dining room table, etc. I feel this serious need to start over and i think it has to do with all of the weird energy my "stuff" gives off. The couch and coffee table were an ex-boyfriends, the dining room table and TV were bought with said ex-boyfriend. It just feels a little odd, yah know? We are moving in a month to a new place and we just want to start fresh. We are kind of in the middle of doing this in all aspects of our life. Nothing is off limits. I just can't get rid of this desire to clear out all of the bullshit. I want simple and clean and that needs to be applied to both my physical space as well as my emotional. My best friend and I have this weird analogy and it goes a little something like this...we all have a bucket of shit that we carry around with us. Everyone has their own. Do not put your shit in my bucket. It's filled with my shit. And I have more than enough. Can you feel me? I hope that made some sense. I feel like I've allowed too many people to put their "shit" in my bucket this past year. And I'm tired of it. Am I just rambling now? Anyways, what I am trying to say is that I need to do a little cleansing and I figure what better way to start than with my living space. Here are some inspiration pics for what I feel will make a warm, clean, and stimulating space. I can't wait to make it happen.

This space feels cool. I love the mixing of texture & color.
This couch is one of my inspirations. I am looking for a victorian style couch that I can upholster myself in some thick, white muslin fabric. Wish me luck!
My goal is to actually get some pictures up. I love this unconventional way of display.
A gallery wall is another something I'd love to incorporate into our new space.
Bar. Antlers. Need I say more?
I can't wait to show off our new little habitat once we get settled in!
*Follow me on pinterest to see more of what is inspiring me at the moment.
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