23 December 2013

Peek at the new place and a little DIY

I would love nothing more than to splurge on beautiful furniture. Mid-century modern to be exact. Herman Miller chairs? Yes, please. But, the sad truth is that all of those tapered legs and gorgeous wooden credenzas can be seriously expensive. And mama doesn't have the funds for it. So what is comparable to Herman Miller and a flock of Eames chairs? Well, nothing really. but, IKEA sure can satisfy your mid-century needs (sometimes). 

We needed a new couch desperately. And the things I would have done for one from here...that just wasn't going to happen though. So I turned to my girlfriend IKEA and I am really happy I did. She pulled through. We purchased the Karlstad sofa and couldn't be happier with the look. Unfortunately, the Karlstad comes with some pretty ugly legs on her so with a 
quick trip to ACE hardware and some cheap stain, she is looking like a Mid-Century modern queen. Here is a peek at how our new place and our mini DIY project.

Pretty nice place to relax.
You can purchase these online here. You will need 4 of these legs (duh) and 4 of the straight top plates.
This took very minimal stain and about 5mins to complete all 4.

The biggest pain about this project was installing the top plates. You'll need a drill and you will also have to remove this black plastic covering over the spot for the original legs. It wasn't too difficult, they are just stapled on. Removing this will insure that the top plates lie flat. It was really simple and made the biggest difference in the look of the couch.

This desk was a total DIY as well since we needed something small for the area. The top is a white acrylic shelf and the legs can be purchased separately (all from IKEA). The chair was also an awesome find.

Can't wait to show you more! xo

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