Something I am very adamant about in my everyday life is
communication. I don't care if you want to tell me how pissed you are at me, but you have to
say it. Not just beat around the bush and be all passive aggressive (one of my biggest pet peeves) about it.
say it. I try and not really let people be in my life who have issues with this type of thing because it just ends badly. Trying to constantly figure out how someone is feeling and why they are doing what they are doing is exhausting. Oh wait, did I just describe parenting? I think I did.
This has to be one of the most exhausting parts of being a mama (to me, at least). Not knowing how your little one is feeling or really why because the communication barrier is so real. Now, babe's get away with this whole communication deal with me because it's obvious that they cannot help it (adults, that is a whole other story...I don't cut them slack). It's a constant guessing game with these little one's. Are they teething? Do they need a diaper change? Are they hungry? A million questions are sorted through when your little one is upset. I swear, we have been on the "he's teething" line every time Silas loses his cool for about 8 months now...and still no teeth!
Nap time boycott. |
I bring this all up because we are in turmoil over nap/bed time here at my house. It's been rough. The hesitation with him to be put down for a nap and the crying for me once he is in the crib is just bonkers right now. Am I ready to transition Silas to a 1 nap a day thing? Absolutely not. I need his morning nap time just as much as I think he does. It's my sanity check and keeps me going. Bed time has been rough as well. We are in the thick of ending our co-sleeping journey by making Silas take all naps and the start of his bed time in his crib. He's still waking every 2-3 hrs for a nursing session though. It's just all a mess I tell yah. And I'm trying to stay consistent and not get frustrated, but I just wish I could ask him what is wrong (I do this, actually) and that I could get a response. "Mom, I'm scared." "Mom, my teeth hurt." Anything. Obviously, this is not going to happen so I am doing my best to read this little man's signs and figure it out on my own. I understand it is probably just as frustrating on his end to not have someone just gets it on the first try. But hey, I am doing my best and I am sure that counts for something. I know we will get this straightened out and I know he will soon learn that his crib and ridiculously expensive mattress are just as comfy, if not more so, than mama and papa's bed. Keeping my fingers crossed! xo
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