09 August 2014

Baby Boosh // 16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain: 5+ lbs (not sure of exact)
Maternity clothes? It's time to make the switch. I've picked out a few pieces on asos.com that I am thinking about pulling the plug on and purchasing.
Stretch marks? Still using avocado oil/coconut oil to prevent new ones.
Sleep: None whatsoever. It's really making things difficult around here.
Best moment this week: While I was holding Silas the baby kicked him because he was pressing on my belly. The jealousy has already started!
Movement: Lots and lots
Food cravings: Sour candy. Which I caved and bought some today. Immediately felt awful.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really. Eggs made me a bit queasy the other day.
Gender: 4 more weeks and I  can't wait.
Belly Button in or out? Looks the same as always...flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Mood of the week: Blah. My husband is working so much so I've been feeling super sad about not being able to spend any time with him. Miss my boo!
Looking forward to: My appointment on Wednesday and finding out if we are team pink or team blue!