23 May 2014

52 week project / 04. 05. 06.

Currently catching up. On so much. I've let things settle...and in a bad way. Mail has piled up. Voicemails have gone unheard. Blog posts have gone unwritten! Eeks. Here I am though, ready to rumble.

"A portrait of my child, once a week, for a year."

SIlas: Oh my goodness. How much you have grown this past month. Well, kind of. You are having a bit of trouble putting on weight so I've resorted to giving you all sorts of treats. Ice cream? Sure. Mac and Cheese? Why not. Pretty much everything I said I wouldn't allow you to have until later on. You are soooo tall though. Also, 8 teeth my little guy. I'm hoping we are at the end of the teething journey for now. That is of course until we get some molars which I'm sure are super fun. You have learned how to give kisses which are my absolute favorite thing. You love to snuggle and hang out in bed when it's rainy out. Your walking has turned into running and we have had to deal with quite a few scraped knees so far. Comes with the territory though. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. So proud of the sweet and handsome boy you are turning into :) 

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